:: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 ::

Darn! I think I'll be leaving again for Boston this fall. Just received word from our site there that I just became part of their development team. I mean it's a great honor and all and I wouldn't want to miss that opportunity but there are just ALOT of things to do here. For one, me and my fiancee haven't pinned down yet a place for the wedding reception. We have to take care of that before I leave... which could be any day starting September. That's one of my company's great acts - tell you that you're leaving for the States or wherever three or two days before your flight. Comfy, isn't it?

And there are those art exhibits that I'll miss joining! Just when I'm on a roll here. Bummer !

I just hope I could do the product's test development here. Yeah, I think that could be done. I might just bring that up on our next meeting.

:: rene 7/30/2002 06:25:00 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, July 28, 2002 ::

I took a snapshot of the watercolor painting I did while I was in Boston. Good thing I finished it just in time before I left. With all the trouble my brushes(the other end of the brushes were pointed and were deemed to be potential weapons... "I'm going to brush you to death!") and rolled Arches watercolor paper(its canister must have looked to those airport guys like a holder for a nuclear warhead) had caused me at the airport, I know I had to produce something out of it.

I'm putting this one on exhibit along with another one I'm painting right now. If you'll be in Cebu around Sept. 7 and 14, you could catch us(Cebu Art Association) at Waterfront Cebu.

So here it is:

If you want to save it or something, please tell me so that I'll know where it's going. Thanks.

I was hiking up in Sagada 2 years ago with friends and took a shot of this dragonfly which was a couple of feet from us. Luckily, my 70-210mm zoom lens was the one attached to my SLR ! This is a lucky shot and immediately became a candidate subject for me to paint because I was enthralled with the way the hard midday light struck the leaves thus defining them and their veins. I just wanted to paint this right away. Unfortunately, it was only after two years that I'm able to. Luckily, I was still able to capture the light the way it's supposed to be. The original painting is 11x17 inches without the frame.

I'm still cooking up a nice title for this. Appreciate if you guys could suggest some. :-)

:: rene 7/28/2002 07:34:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 22, 2002 ::

I already left the summery heat of Boston and am back here in Pinas. Funny that I left the East coast during a heatwave and arrived here the next day with a tropical storm brewing!

Now it's back to reality and back to work! And I'm neck deep in this shit! So I must go and get myself out of this. Later...

:: rene 7/22/2002 01:08:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 ::

Trinity Church in Copley Square

John Hancock Building. New England's tallest building.

North Market, Boston

People watching in Faneuil Hall

Bird's eye view of Quincy Market

Street performer doing his tricks

One Man Show

I wanna watch too...

Firefighter's Crusade in Boston

Jaywalking, anyone?

Cows for sale

:: rene 7/10/2002 12:32:00 PM [+] ::

I wonder if the 7-11's back home also give out free slurpees just because it's 7-11(July 11) tomorrow... Slurp, slurp...

:: rene 7/10/2002 12:01:00 PM [+] ::

The "Charles Riverboat" along with lots of other boats waiting for the fireworks display in Charles River.

The Prudential Building from afar.

Boston's famous Esplanade. That's the John Hancock Building, by the way.

That dome-shaped structure is the Hatch Shell -- where the Boston Orchestra performed during the July 4 program.

At 10:00pm, the fireworks display began. It's was a looooong wait but nevertheless worth it.

Spectacular !

I just love this. It looks like a very big glowing wall up there in the sky.

:: rene 7/10/2002 06:57:00 AM [+] ::

Psychic gropes buttocks to see future. What a way to work !

:: rene 7/10/2002 06:31:00 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 ::

Took a snapshot of this nice shirt at Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston...

... and ties too !

:: rene 7/09/2002 01:15:00 PM [+] ::

I'm trying to transfer my blog to an old tripod account I had set up. I think it's working now. I wanted to put in some pictures before but Tripod doesn't like to be used as just a picture bank. You got to have your website in it too.

So here goes...

:: rene 7/09/2002 01:05:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 08, 2002 ::

Most of America is in mourning right now. Ted Williams, who is considered to be baseball's greatest hitter of all time, died of natural causes at the age of 83. He played for the Boston Red Sox and is venerated by many. Unfortunately, there's an issue now with how he's gonna be buried. It's a shame that his only son decided to freeze his body through cryogenics with the wacky hope that someday he'll be back among the living. He is nuts ! AND SICK !!!

:: rene 7/08/2002 08:18:00 AM [+] ::

Five more days and I'm out of here ! Yeah ! It's not that I'm tired of Boston. It's just that I miss home and I especially miss my babe. ;-)

I practically stayed the whole time inside the apartment last weekend ! After all that walking and waiting and cheering last 4th of July, my hamstrings were aching and my voice was hoarse. Anyways, I also spent the time finishing up the watercolor painting I started --- which I hope I could post a picture of when it's done. I think I'll be done with the washes and all tonight. Then tomorrow, I'll put in the coup de grace. And of course my signature. :-)

Trixy's already there in Oregon. I'm sure I'll be reading more of her SATC-like blogs --- the U.S. version. Hey Trix, if you're reading this - what's your number there?

:: rene 7/08/2002 08:02:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, July 04, 2002 ::

Man, I just came back from the Fourth of July celebration in Boston. It's already 1am! And I was there since 11am in the morning! Geessh! I'm sooooooo tired. Gotta hit the sack. Tell you more about it tomorrow.


:: rene 7/04/2002 09:56:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 ::

Massachusetts also has its fair share of shocking news lately....

:: rene 7/03/2002 07:23:00 AM [+] ::

Our office area literally a ghost town. Most people have gone off to vacationland already. Tomorrow is July 4. That means fireworks and NO WORK !! Another long weekend! Yay!

My flatmate left yesterday with some of our friends for a roadtrip to Virginia. Decided not go because I still have a painting to finish. And it's taking me longer than I thought!

Anyways, I'll be along the Charles River in Boston tomorrow to celebrate the Fourth of July and of course, to see the fireworks display again. Just hope that the whole place will be secure enough for everybody.

:: rene 7/03/2002 07:19:00 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 ::

Just added a commenting system courtesy of YACCS. I think it's working. Please do try it if you have the chance to come by. Will just tweak it later when I have more time. That will do for now.

Later, I'm off to lunch.

:: rene 7/02/2002 09:11:00 AM [+] ::

Hot find: Historic Tabasco bottle unearthed.

:: rene 7/02/2002 08:48:00 AM [+] ::

The other day when I was pondering what to cook for dinner I suddenly had the craving for a nice, homecooked pork adobo(tagalog style with the sauce... in cebu, we don't have the sauce). Unfortunately, I can't seem to recall how to go about with it. Then an idea came. With my trusty laptop and a NetZero connection, I instantly had an adobo recipe ! That's what I call a homecooked meal with a techno twist !!!

:: rene 7/02/2002 08:38:00 AM [+] ::

American adventurer Steve Fossett drifted into aviation history Tuesday, becoming the first person to fly a balloon solo around the world...

:: rene 7/02/2002 08:27:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 01, 2002 ::

Yesterday, I went to a Barnes and Noble branch near my place. The place always entralls me with the wealth of books that they carry. I went straight to the ARTS section as was looking for some inspiration watercolor books and found lots of them there. I didn't know which one to buy. Eventually, I ended up not buying anything. I was overwhelmed !

Actually, PowerBooks in Megamall and PageOne in Rockwell might have been patterned after these kind of U.S. bookstores. It's quite appealing for the public to enjoy the books first and if you really like them, then you buy them. Unlike in National Bookstore, where you have to look around first before tearing the book's plastic cover apart. Hehehe!

One could even sleep on the sofa inside BN ! That I have to see at PageOne or PowerBooks.

:: rene 7/01/2002 07:37:00 AM [+] ::