Yesterday, I finally bought a thicker jacket at Windance Mall, just a stone throw away from my hotel. It was both amusing and frustrating to make a transaction with those salesgirls who didn't know an ounce of English! Amusing because we were never on the same page about the jacket's price. The tag showed 790NT but they punched 860NT on the calculator. They were speaking Mandarin. I was speaking English. It was pure chaos!
The frustrating part was I wanted the jacket but needed an explanation first why the price shot up to 860NT. If I could only understand what they were saying. Arghhh!
So finally I called my Taiwanese colleague and asked him to talk with the salesgirls. Apparently, 790NT was the sale price and their promo just ended. 860NT was the new promo price. I got the explanation and I bought the item. Problem solved.
Then I got my Latte fix at a Starbucks' mall branch where I got to sketch a few characters. It's been awhile since I last did this. I did the lineworks as fast as I could and just threw in the colors later. This Van Gogh watercolor kit is serving me good stead!
Arrived last night here in Taiwan and although it's just a little over 24 hours since, I'm bored as hell! It has been raining all day and the biting cold outside didn't help at all. Walked over to the nearest KFC with a borrowed hotel umbrella for takeout dinner and realized I'm just way too under-dressed here. That's because they have this little thing going on -- called WINTER! Pagka-oplok gyud nako!