:: Monday, April 28, 2003 ::

There's so much going on with my life right now. In a few days time, I'll be entering that new phase where responbilities will be endless but surely I'm looking forward to marrying my one, great, true love... Jolana.

:: rene 4/28/2003 07:50:00 PM [+] ::

I must have unconsciously taken a crash course of STUPIDlTY 101 'cause for the past few weeks or so, I couldn't ftp my blogger posts to my tripod website! And worse, I couldn't figure out what to do. Darn! Then I tinkered with getting a new tripod account --- lo and behold --- it's working now!

:: rene 4/28/2003 07:50:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 ::
New LATEO FC Site!

Just wanted to post the link of the new Lateo Football Club website I made. Whew!

:: rene 4/02/2003 12:29:00 AM [+] ::