I'm technically on the injured list right now after I underwent a hand surgery at Asian Hospital. If getting a cyst out is just a minor operation then so be it but having my hand(MY DRAWING HAND AT THAT!) sliced up isn't exactly what I had in mind. Unfortunately, I had to get that bugger out because the pain was killing me.
So now my left hand is letting me do less stuff than I would normally do. Driving is a no-no for now as I might squeeze open the stitched cut and then blood would spill out and ooze all over. Though the squirted blood would make a nice Gardenia bread "palaman". Yummy! Hehe!
Right across this internet cafe at SM Baguio where I'm now typing this entry, I can see Baguio's mountains covered with a thick fog and all wet with this heavy rain that started when the clock struck noon. Hahay! So damn cold outside!! But I'm soaking it all up before I head back to Cavite tomorrow morning. :-)
Oh by the way, that caricature in the previous entry... it can also be found here. But no, I'm not a Pinoy from Singapore. Just a Cebuano living in Cavite. Hehe! Quite an honor for me that he put it there. Though I didn't expect it. Really. I can't thank him enough. But I'm telling him again though. As we say in Cebuano slang, Matsalams!
Got blown away by Mort Drucker's caricature art which got me furiously inspired the past days or so. I'm working on one right now and hope to finish it before the day ends.
The other day, I grabbed a MAD Magazine back issue at a local BookSale shop. What prompted me to buy a still overpriced mag was its cover for that month -- lots of caricatures and a teeny weeny bit of Alfred Neuman's face. Hehe!
I'm always amazed at how someone's face can be translated to just a few strokes of a brush or a pencil or whatever tool and medium that the artist chooses. A how-to-caricature book would tell us that the trick to drawing a recognizable face would be to play up and exaggerate whatever obvious or unique features that a face have. But this is always a case of easier said than done. Finding that unique part to blow up in a person's face takes skill and practice. And these guys at MAD are really good at it!
Let's dissect a couple of those I love...
Isn't this Jack Black?!!! He really got pinned down on this one. That smirk, those bulging eyes, receeding rockstar hair built up this very funny drawing.
Two peas in a pod? That's Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon! I think Kinnear's lips did it for him. Matt was pinned down with his smile and pointy chin.
This one of Ben Affleck and J.Lo is hilarious! Ben has his hairstyle for the Gigli movie and his wriggly lips. J.Lo's got her sharp features and thin brows down pat.
While this is the style of caricature I want to emulate, there's a whole lot of other styles out there. This one below,
got fewer lines but does the job equally well -- to look fun, quirky and spontaneous -- and still look like the people the artists intended them to be. Not some pantograph copied face with a badly drawn funny body. But that's just me of course. Hehe!
By the way, the game was interrupted 3 minutes from regulation time when a frustrated fan ran on the field towards Figo and threw a Portugese flag at him. The guy then ran towards the goal and slammed himself into the netting. The security guys who were sprinting behind him also slammed themselves into the net. Haha! That was a funny sight.
But that scene also summed up the frustration of all Portugal. Tsk, tsk...
The aftermath of EURO 2004 early this morning(2:45am) left one team standing -- the Greeks. In a tournament that started with an upset, it was quite befitting that it also ended with an upset. But then again, that final game WASN'T at all pretty!
In my opinion, that was one of the most boring matches I had ever seen. You can quote me on that. The first 5 minutes started with Portugal very strong in attack. The Greeks on the other hand were deflecting every imaginable shot that Figo and Co. were creating. Then 30 minutes had gone by and the Portugese still haven't cracked the defense. That's when I predicted that if they can't score in the 1st half, they would eventually lose the game. And lose they did!
60-40! 60-40! Portugal had possession of ball 60% of the time but they couldn't do something with it. It was frustrating to see Deco and Ronaldo falling after every challenge. Figo was ineffective from the wings.
Greece had pathetic chances themselves but they did one thing right though -- score from a set play. That was all they needed. They hung on to their 1-nil lead and now they're champions of Europe. Figo said that the Greeks should be given credit for being "effective". Oh yeah, but they could bore me to death anytime.
And now, I've got eyebags the size of watermelons...
"A dejected Deco walk away while the Greeks celebrate"