A little over two months ago, a soon-to-be-wed friends of mine wanted their engagement pictures shot by me. Of course, they didn't know what they were getting into. Hehe. Little did they know that I might just be getting headless shots of them. But they insisted and I obliged.
My D70 was only a fews days old and my confidence to use it wasn't really that high. Then I remembered Jo Avila's(as he professed on the phphoto list and in his seminars) technique - "Let the camera's Professional Mode or P-mode work for you." As expected, some people on the list reacted seriously that P-mode means Program Mode and not Professional Mode. Well of course it is! But the thing was, Jo was trying to point out that if you've got a high-end digital SLR then you might as well let the damn thing work for you and not have to worry about the technical details. That way you can fully focus on the subject in front of you. It makes perfect sense actually. And I made it my mantra that day.
As where most of the engagement(pre-nuptial) pictorials are shot, off we went to Intramuros. On a good day, shooting there would be a breeze but if you're unlucky, security guards might ask for your permit to shoot. Well, we got lucky... and the couple didn't come out headless after all...