Before we left Cebu, I just had to see this lighthouse("parola" in Cebuano) that has been in existence for 100 years already. As luck would have it, the structure is located just a few minutes away from our house in Lilo-an.
Built in 1904, it's a marvel to see it still standing and guiding ships and fishermen alike along the Mactan Channel.
A very little history quoted from an article in SunStar Daily goes:
"The Liloan parola was built in 1904 by virtue of an executive order made by the American Civil Governor William Howard Taft on July 28, 1903. The parola was then constructed the following year."
An artist neighbor who draws the paper's editorial cartoons also told me that the parola is a favorite spot for some of Cebu's artists and painters. Overlooking Bagacay Point, the lighthouse makes a commanding presence amidst the crashing waves below its cliffs.
This was the last image recorded on my cam before the battery conked out...